Becoming a Freemason

Freemasons Queensland warmly welcomes adult men of all ages, races, religions, cultures and backgrounds. We are keen to encourage the next generation of Freemasons who will help take the organisation and its valuable traditions into the future.

Who can join?

Before you are invited to join we will want to know a little more about you and you will need to confirm your suitability as an honest, law-abiding man of good character.

You must be over 18 and must affirm your belief in a Supreme Being.

You should never be coerced or pressured into joining but a Freemason may nominate you. If you do not know any Freemasons to nominate you, simply fill in our ‘Start a conversation about becoming a Freemason’ form to be considered.

There are many other benefits to being a Freemason


The process of becoming a Freemason

Express Your Interest

Express your interest to a Freemason or complete the ‘Start a conversation about becoming a Freemason’ form. We will then talk to find out more about each other and ensure Freemasonry is the right choice for you.

Lodge Acceptance

Once your application has been accepted, you will be assigned to a suitable Lodge.

Initiation Ceremony

Your commitment – and our commitment to you – starts with an impressive initiation ceremony.

The Work

You will then undertake a structured program of self-development known as ‘the work’. This involves various allegorical rituals and you progress through ‘degrees’.

What will be expected of me? 


Attending a Lodge meeting once a month for a few hours, usually in the evening. Many Freemasons also choose to give additional time to fundraising or volunteering initiatives run by
their Lodge.

Code of conduct

Conforming to a code of integrity, dignity and responsible behaviour.

Annual fees

Paying a joining fee and ongoing annual fees, which help cover our costs. These are reasonable fees and are within comfortable reach of most people.


Keeping certain rituals and matters confidential. Please be assured there is nothing in our ceremonies that is unethical or improper. This would be totally against our own moral code.

Start a conversation about joining

Becoming a Freemason is an important commitment in your life and no doubt you’ll have more questions. The first part of the process will help decide whether Freemasonry is the right choice for you. If you are a male over 18 years of age, simply fill in and submit this form and we will contact you.

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your
neighbours, and may every new year find you
a better man.” Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790